Today’s world faces a grave economic, ecological, cultural crisis
– indeed a global civilisational crisis.
The word ‘crisis’ means a ‘turning point’ in time. The basic need expressed in
this crisis is for human beings to find a way of being-in-time that is not simply dominated by ‘busy-ness’, by doing,
and aimed only at having. The new
relation to time that human beings so desperately need at this time is one in
which they give themselves time, not just to produce or consume, work or play –
but to be aware. For to truly ‘be’ is to be aware. Just as to truly ‘meditate’ is simply to take time to be aware. For only by taking time
to be aware can each of us open up a broader space of awareness - one which, like the clear and empty space
surrounding things, allows us to meditate, place in perspective and come to new
insights regarding whatever questions, concerns or feelings are currently addressing
us. Only out of such a broader, more
spacious and expansive awareness field
can human beings also come to deeper,
more thoughtful decisions and find better practical solutions to both personal
and world problems. And only out of this broadened and deepened awareness can
we also relate to other human beings in a more meditative and aware way – thus
bringing about a healing transformation
in human relations.
All mismanagement, misgovernment and mistreatment of others stem
from the self-defeating rush of busy-ness that characterises our global
business culture. This is a culture of enforced economic conscription of all (‘employment’) which ends up
rendering the unique awareness, potentials and creativity of each more or less wholly unemployed. The value our global
capitalist culture places on activity, speed and busy-ness denies the time
needed for meditative and aware decision-making - but in this way also slows
down or entirely blocks truly aware,
thoughtful and effective action. Behind this culture is a deep-seated fear of awareness, not least awareness of
all the ways in which - lacking awareness - human beings are destroying
each other and the earth.
The resulting global crisis and turning point in time that we now face
tells us that it is high time for humanity to become more aware, high time for
a cultural revolution in awareness - one based not just on ‘slowing down’ but
on cultivating a whole new way of aware experiencing and action, living and
relating, thinking and feeling. This in turn requires new forms of education in awareness in all areas of
life and knowledge - and not just education in facts or skills. Above all it
requires a new understanding of awareness as something essentially distinct
from mere consciousness ‘of’ things. There is all that we experience, all that
occurs or goes on in ourselves and the world. And there is the awareness of all that occurs or goes on – the awareness of all we experience. That awareness - awareness ‘as
such’ or ‘pure awareness’ - is what alone can free human beings from bondage to
anything they are conscious or aware of.
Awareness as such is a not a
product of the brain, bounded by our bodies, or the mere private property of
individuals or groups. Instead it has an essentially unbounded and
universal character. As such, awareness also transcends all identities
and all identifications
– whether personal or group identities, social and economic identities, ethnic, cultural and religious identities etc. That is why anyone who cultivate awareness works not only for their own
well-being but for that of the world - a world whose ills all result from a
lack of awareness, and thus can never be healed through either the politics of identity or identification with particular spiritual or religious traditions and their symbols.
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